Rolls Gracie died way before his time in a tragic hang gliding accident in his early 30’s. His mat prowess and skills are the marrow that legends are born from. Needless to say there is little training footage…
L-R standing – Nick / Brett / Kamau / Jordan / Rachel. Kneeling- Brian / Webb / Scrappy Phil NWJJA took five fighters to NAGA “Seattle” and by days end we walked away with five medals! A huge…
I finally got the chance to sit down and spend some time going through Daniel Faggella’s latest project called “Leg Lock Mastery”and I am seriously quite impressed with this young mans teaching ability and mat prowess! You have…
Once again my coach and friend for well over a decade Tim Cartmell, will be returning to his affiliate Michael Selin at Ecole de Budo in Portland, OR. May 17-19th 2013. For those of you unaware Tim is…

It is exactly 6 months from November 1st, happy May Day! Time for something new and I have the perfect new gi for the grappler in your life. I have ranted and raved about 1914 BJJ kimono’s before (click here to…