Carl Adams is one of wrestling’s most sought after coaches, a 2x NCAA Champ and head coach at Boston Uuniversity. On Science of Skills site Dan has just put up three great lessons he learned from a recent interview with Coach Adams, and the insight both on the mat and off is inspirational!“Wrestling with a sense of freedom involves throwing yourself 100% into your present match and leaving nothing on the mat. Finding a way to channel all of your energy, all of your technique, and all of your will into those few minutes against your opponent. In doing this fully, you’re able to know without a doubt that you can look yourself in the mirror no matter that happens and know that you gave it your all.In this sense, once you step on the mat to compete you become free. You no longer have to think about what other people – or even you – think of yourself. You no longer have to think about outcome. It is at this point of total concentration that you’re able to ignore everything not relevant to your task because you know that your 100% efforts in the here and now are all that matters in a match.”Click here to read the entire post!
Great lessons!EnjoyJake Pete Roberts has wanted to design and manufacture kimono’s since he started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, so he saved some money and sparked a start up company called Origin. Based out of the frosty northeast of Farmington, Maine, Origin released a very limited “test run” (if you will) with their Origin Genesis 550 and I was fortunate to be chosen as a reviewer of this all purpose gi. So for the last few weeks I have been wearing the Genesis to every class, washing it after each one and in general testing out the quality that Pete and his crew have put together.
In a nutshell, this has quickly become one of my favorite all around training gi’s! Straight out of the box this kimono catches your eye with it’s green highlights on black 100% cotton, grey collar and pant loops, coupled with an awesome looking logo done in a pseudo five rings / Gaelic knot type of theme. I have received lots of compliments on the look of the gi from fellow students. Overall it is sharp looking, and as a great bonus Origin includes a full sleeve rashie with each gi (great idea Pete, can’t believe others have not thought of it!). Again it’s design is sharp and distinct!
A 100% Pakistan cotton kimono, the pants are made of ripstop material with the legs featuring a single piece of fabric and are triple stitched. Pete has included a thick stretchy drawstring which I like (some people not so much because the knots often come undone easily in a roll) because they are easier to open and tighten when soaked with sweat and are more comfortable around the waist. Also in the design the groin features a gi material triangle intended to assist in friction to keep slippery arms and legs from sliding out of submissions. I am not sold this works (I have some fight shorts with similar designs, and I would not say I am anymore prone to land subs with them then without) but I figure it certainly cannot hurt, plus the material is much thicker then rip stop so the extra reinforcement in the groin is always a bonus!
The Genesis 550 is an extremely comfortable fitting gi. I am 6’4″ and about 205#’s now, so Pete sent me an A4 and straight out of the box it looked like this:
After the initial wash she did not shrink at all. Now the directions for the gi forbid drying of any kind except for line hanging, but I live in Seattle Washington… mold and mildew collect in a matter of seconds out here in the wetlands, so some dryer time is essential in my opinion. I limited and monitored the shrinkage over the past few weeks and I must say with careful attention to drying in the machine coupled with the final dry on a line will result in minimal shrinkage of the gi. Though made in Pakistan, the cotton seems to be of very good quality.
Extremely comfortable fit and smooth rolling make this gi a great all around kimono to roll in both competition and day to day classes. As with any product I review durability will be determined via time, but rest assured this gi is tough! Weighing in at just over 5 pounds, the rubber infused lapel is comfortable, strong, yet flexible. All seams are reinforced with styling stitch work along with “Changing of the guard” stitched in smooth cursive writing along the shoulders in back. The skirt is a perfect length taking only 1 1/2 tugs to get out of my belt to use for chokes.
The only design issue I have is the seam through the crotch is a bit tight in my opinion. Perhaps due to my lacking in the junk in the trunk area, but it was a fit too tight for me. Otherwise the gi fits and breathes very nicely and smoothly.
The Genesis model may be a bit heavy for those of us on the cusp of weight categories in tourneys, but I can’t wait to wear this gi to a competition. Pete has assured me that all of the Genesis (and future designs) are and will be legal on all levels with the IBJJF governing bodies (just be careful where you patch up as always!).
In summation the Genesis 550 Gi from Origin BJJ is one of the best gi’s I have checked out since Vulkan launched it’s line! A great all around uniform that is not only functional, but sharp looking and very comfortable to roll in. The inclusion of the rash guard and the strength of the stitching top to bottom will make this a staple in your weekly arsenal.
Check out Origin BJJ dot com for more of Pete’s projects as he is introducing some training equipment ideas, training and fight wear, along with the next evolution in the Origin Gi line; the Competition 550 Gi which features some very attractive purple highlights (I am hoping Pete will grace all my readers with the honor of reviewing the comp gi as well! Support your homegrown business’s!
Train Hard. Fight Hard. Party Hard.
I typically have the attention span of a gnat, but this 15 minute long clip offers some great insight into grappling phenom Gunnar Nelson from Iceland. It is worth every minute! He has just jumped to the top 5 people I need to train with!
Study, and Enjoy!
Gunnar Nelson Seminar 2011 from stuart cooper on Vimeo
I have a general policy of not guaranteeing anything. I like to under-promise and over deliver. That said I have one thing I can pretty much say with surety is that if you participate in combat sports (wrestling, boxing, martial arts, football, arm wrestling, etc.) you will, some time on your path, some day injure some (or most likely multiple) parts of your body! It has happened to me on several occasions over the past 20 years, and will most likely happen again in the next 20.
While we cannot control IF we get injured, we can control how long and the severity of said injury by way of prevention and preparation. I will save the “ensure a proper warm up” speech for another post, but I want to introduce the martial arts community to a great company: Active Wrap USA. Though they have been around since 1997, few in the martial arts community have heard of them.
Offering a full line of thermal compression wraps, Active Wraps are hands down the best heat and ice products I have come across. Many of us are guilty of taking a frozen bag of corn, wrapping a towel around it, and finishing with a make shift sling. Eventually this frustrates us and we end up “toughening it out.” Those days are over with Active Wrap.
Available in six different designs specifically manufactured for the area of the body it is designed to aid: Shoulder / Knee – Leg / Foot -Ankle – Achilles / Elbow / Lumbar / Wrist / and coming soon one for the neck!
Active Wrap sent me one of their knee – leg wraps to review. I do not (knocks on wood) have a leg injury, but I used this heat and cold therapy wrap as if I did for a full review, and the efficacy of heat/cold therapy on sports injuries is well documented, so I focused more on durability, comfort, ease of use etc.
The best thing about Active Wrap is that each one is specifically designed and manufactured with the joint in mind. The leg wrap was fully adjustable (and they come various sizes) and very comfortable to wear and move with. Obviously mobility is hindered, but I was able to bend my knee a few degrees with ease and comfort without the wrap sliding or shifting out of position.
Adjustable Velcro straps hold securely and look quite strong and durable. Overall durability is something that is hard to discuss in an initial review, as time will tell how well the product holds up. Initial inspection shows reinforced seems and top grade Velcro on the 3″ compression straps which spiral around the knee keeping gentle pressure. The wraps and material (a medical plush cloth) are very flexible and comfortable throughout.
The gel packs were easy to heat and cool, offering a thick gel that does not “migrate”into a corner of the packet. Average pre ported lifespan on the gel packs is 2-3 years with daily use. These are non-toxic and safe and easy to pack into luggage when traveling.
Overall I think Active Wrap’s heat and cold therapy wraps are something all martial artists, personal trainers, rehab specialists, team medics / doctors, should have in their arsenal. Though modestly priced individually ($24-$70 USD), the only significant downside to the products are the fact that to be truly prepared for any injury (in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we use and get attacked with all our body parts) one must purchase all of the products which could be a bit cost prohibitive. Perhaps Active Wrap should consider a bundle package with discount in their future marketing.
These are invaluable resources that will last a lifetime if taken care of. Extra gel packs are very affordable and easily ordered. Like Active Wrap on Facebook and receive special discounts.
This has nothing to do with martial arts other than I hope someone kicks this douche bag thief’s ass! Stumbled upon this on the 10th Planet Forums, Maurice is from Vancouver (which despite the gigantic black eye last week, I still love) and needs his muse back, his custom Les Paul which was stolen last week: (Click here for the original posting with pics… for some reason Blogger is not allowing them this AM)
To the people who stole most of my stuff out of my studio on June 5, including my main guitar of 43 years, let me tell you about it.
It’s a very altered, but very real 1953 Gibson Les Paul Model – Serial # 3 0621 (stamped on the back of the headstock)
This is not a gold-top. In the 1950’s, it was refitted with an ABR-1 bridge and stop tailpiece, and then refinished, all by Gibson. The green colour in the picture, (especially on the rear half of the body where the light reflection is less), is accurate. It’s one of the lightest Gibson Les Pauls, and the only one of its’ colour, that I’ve ever seen.
I’ve made many other changes to this guitar in favour of playability:
–changed the P-90’s to humbuckers
–had the neck thinned and it, the back and the sides were refinished
–when it was refinished, the serial # was stamped in
–replaced worn out machine heads with gold Gibson ones
–added brass switch ring, jack plate, and rear cavity covers that were made for me by my now-deceased brother-in-law
–added a truss rod cover with “Les Paul” on it
–installed strap-locks (for obvious reasons)
–there will be traces of violin bow resin in and under various parts. It is the best guitar ever for bowing.
This is a one-of-a-kind instrument in so many ways. It is completely recognizable, down to every screw on it.
I’ve been in the music business all my life, and have a large list of friends and contacts. With the help of countless amazing people, many who I don’t even know, (which details what you took) has been sent across Canada and around the world to more people – musicians, music stores, pawn shops, studios, rehearsal rooms, and other musically related businesses – than I ever imagined possible. It’s been passed around since you broke in, and is continually going out to more people. In fact, I’d bet people reading this will pass the link on to others if they already haven’t. This will continue unendingly until I find my guitars and other equipment. My green Les Paul is already one of the most recognizable instruments in Canada, I can guarantee you that.
Here’s your scenario:
–No collector will want this instrument because it’s not even close to original.
–No legitimate business will buy it from you.
–Any creep who would knowingly buy a stolen guitar will give you a pittance for it.
–If you keep it for yourself, you’ll never be able to play anywhere with it, and it will tie you to the crime and to all of the other stolen equipment for as long as you have it.
–You didn’t even take the case.
It’s my most personal possession, and I have always planned for my son to have it one day. By the way, the other Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head you took was his.
It’s not of much value to you, but to me, I can’t buy another Les Paul like it because another one doesn’t exist.. Here’s a thought:
Have some decency and redeem some karma. Bring my guitar back. You’ve fucked my studio up and stolen a life-time collection of my shit. You stole my guitar rig, which was MY sound that I’ve spent years achieving.
You haven’t ripped off a money making business. You’ve ripped off my life and my spirit immeasurably by taking away the tools of the pursuit of my passion. I’ve worked extremely hard for my whole life to earn my right to do so, and you took it all away in an hour or two. You’ve also ripped off my son, now, and in the future. I don’t have the money to replace the gear, so it’s just gone.
Just give it back – NO QUESTIONS ASKED. PLEASE
I have never owned a musical instrument, but I feel this mans pain for his passion. I know times are tough, but everybody knows the difference between stealing something of value, and something of VALUE! Exercise some common sense and don’t be a total jackass if you MUST rip off someone!
Hope you get your axe back Maurice, sorry this is all I could offer.
Many say that Ricardo De La Riva is the most technical BJJ practitioner alive today. Renzo Gracie is renown for his fighting gameness and prowess, never saying no to any fight. announced that De La Riva has asked Gracie to be his final opponent on his way to retirement, and of course Renzo was elated to obliges!
“How can I say no to an invitation like that?” – Replied Renzo
Lets hope for internet coverage as the event is planned in Rio at the Maracanazinho gym (where Carlson Gracie used to fight back in the dizay!), on October 16, 2011.
Love him or hate him, Lloyd Irvin is one of the most successful grappling coaches in the world right now, and though some have likened his approach to a cult like mentality, here in an exclusive interview with BJJ Hacks Coach Irvin shares some of his insights into making world class athletes:
Lloyd Irvin talks to BJJ Hacks from BJJ Hacks on Vimeo
Some very interesting food for thought there.
Please join the NW Jiu Jitsu Academy in welcoming John Will and David Meyer to their annual summer seminar series on Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu here in Seattle, WA.
They will also be part of their student Brian Johnson’s NWJJA belt promotion and Open House BBQ where we celebrate the expansion of our academy effectively tripling our training space, adding another matt area, as well as a complete strength and conditioning center! All are welcome!
Thanks to my friend Tim who shared this old timer in China performing a beautiful version of Xing Yi’s “Zha Shi Chui”
Since we are on the subject, here is some competition footage of John and Jean Jacques Machado fighting in Joe Moreria’s National’s Tournament in 1997. Amazing to watch the masters fight (hint: pay close attention to what the brothers do with their legs and feet when their opponent is in bottom four quarter position):
JJ Machado at the Worlds. Beautiful hook’s work as well as a great attacking guard!
As I posted a week ago, Jean Jacques Machado was promoted to red-black belt by Rickson Gracie. The video was just put up this morning and I thank Part Time Grappler for sharing!
I cannot fathom getting a purple belt, let alone a black, let alone a red-black! There is not enough time to eloquently write about how much knowledge these two men have shared with the world, and how much we owe them.
A great quote at the end: “The best way to appreciate our heroes is to imagine the world without them”
Also here is the transcription of the open letter to Rickson from JJ Machado. Once again lessons of class, humility, and dignity abound. Read, watch, study, learn.
“How does one adequately express their appreciation to someone who has given them the gift of sight? The ability to see and understand things as they never had before.
I am referring to someone in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world who is known by a single name … “Rickson.”
“Before Rickson Gracie I studied Jiu Jitsu, after Rickson Gracie I understood Jiu Jitsu.”
Without understanding Jiu Jitsu I would not be who I am today, and knowing this overwhelms me with love and admiration for him, for the wonderful gift he has given me.
No matter where or when, Rickson was always there for me. The 5:00 am lessons, the 15 minute instructions in-between his many private classes – a thinker before a fighter, my mentor had gone above and beyond. I can only hope to aspire to half the level of his influence. To ignite the passion within others as he did with me. To make a difference to others as he has for me.
It is my honor and privilege to be able to help preserve the memory and spirit of his teachings, his philosophy and his humor where ever I may go.
Rock’n roll will always have Elvis, basketball will always have Michael Jordan and Jiu Jitsu will always have Rickson Gracie.
Honestly I don’t feel I could ever fully explain the deep rooted emotion of appreciation I have for this man, so I’ll say it simply.
Thank you, Rickson. Thank you for taking me beyond the technique. Thank you for providing me the guidance. Thank you for your constant unselfish dedication to show me an art that transcended to the practicalities of life itself. Thank you, Rickson. Thank you for giving me that life.”
– Jean Jacques Machado
Much thanks to the original writer, as well as to my friend Tim for posting this on his forums at Shen Wu. The classic debate now days within martial circles has boiled down to the martial arts training geared for “sport” (BJJ / Wrestling / Boxing / Kickboxing) versus the “reality based” martial arts that focus solely on self defense.
This is required reading for any student of mine!
I have nothing to add to this simply because the author has written the most concise and precise summation of the topic that I have ever seen. Enjoy!
Taken from the NHB Gear Forum, posted by “Perfectsplit.”
A very common marketing line used by martial arts schools is, “Other schools teach martial arts for sport; we teach martial arts for self-defense”. This mindset is rooted in the traditional method of classifying techniques into the two categories of sport moves and self-defense moves.
Sport moves are moves which are legal in class sparring matches and in tournaments, while self-defense moves are illegal in class sparring and tournaments because they cannot be safely applied in sparring matches. They can only be used in no-rules street fights. Some examples of sport moves include roundhouse kicks, shoulder throws, and triangle chokes. Self-defense moves include eye gouges, bites, and kicks to the groin. The equivalent concept in wrestling would be “illegal holds”. Perhaps the most mystic of all self-defense moves is the legendary “Death Touch” (Dim-Mak) of Kung-Fu. Each category of moves has a particular class curriculum associated with it.
When a school claims that they teach martial arts for self-defense instead of for sport, it means that they emphasize the so-called “self-defense” curriculum over the “sport” curriculum. Or at the extreme, a school may even teach the self-defense curriculum exclusively, without even having a sport curriculum at all. The theory behind this is that the so-called “self-defense” curriculum is superior to the sport curriculum because the former supposedly prepares a student for a real streetfight better than the latter. A tournament fight has rules, whereas a streetfight has no rules. Therefore, it is supposedly better to train for fighting with no rules. In fact, many criticisms of existing martial arts schools are that they spend too much time on the sport curriculum. They tend to associate the sport curriculum negatively, considering it invalid for training in unarmed combat.
The problem with this is that it is an inherently flawed theory. Here is why. The nature of the so-called “sport” moves is that they can be continually refined and perfected through the experience of sparring. Sparring is combat experience, and combat experience is the best teacher of unarmed combat. There is great merit in the old saying, “Experience is the best teacher”.
The so-called “self-defense” moves cannot be perfected through the experience of sparring. They can only be drilled in theory. Theoretical drilling is no substitute for combat experience. Therefore, the nature of the so-called “self defense” curriculum is that it is devoid of combat experience. Students who train exclusively in the self-defense curriculum are students who get no combat experience. Without combat experience, combat proficiency is never developed.
Furthermore, when an inexperienced fighter has his first few experiences in real combat, he goes into a state of stress, due to the element of danger. Under the stress of combat, a fighter may completely forget the theoretical moves he has supposedly “learned”. Only experienced fighters are able to overcome the stress of combat and perform their techniques competently.
Due to the invalid nature of the “self-defense training is better than sport training” theory, the whole classification scheme of “sport moves vs. self-defense moves” is outdated, because it is misleading. It suggests that that the so-called sport moves are ineffective in no-rules street fights, while only the self-defense moves would work. This suggestion is also nonsense. In reality, the opposite is true: the sport curriculum is actually superior to the self-defense curriculum, because the sport curriculum involves combat experience.
A better, more modern way of classifying the moves is with the categories of “experience-based moves” and “hypothetical moves”. Simply put, the experience based moves are analogous to the sport moves, while the hypothetical moves are analogous to the self-defense moves. This new classification scheme is more descriptive of the nature of the techniques.
The three dominant disciplines of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) are all disciplines with a large experience-based curriculum. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Muay-Thai Kickboxing, and Wrestling place a high emphasis on perfecting the experience-based moves, and little or no emphasis on drilling the hypothetical moves. How many times on The Ultimate Fighter did you ever see the coach make people work on kicks to the groin, eye gouges, or bites? Every move they practiced was an experience-based move. Some might even argue there are actually 6 dominant disciplines of MMA: BJJ, Muay-Thai, Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, and Kickboxing. Once again, these 6 disciplines all emphasize the experience-based moves. In the early Ultimate Fighting Championships, (UFCs), there were many representatives of disciplines which relied heavily on hypothetical training. In fact, one can even see the hypothetical training that the early fighters practiced in the DVD footage of the early UFCs. But in the long run of MMA, those hypothetical disciplines washed out.
Judo was based on this theory. When Doctor Jigoro Kano created Judo from the older schools of Japanese Jujitsu, he removed most of the hypothetical moves and placed more emphasis on the experience-based moves. He improved the existing experienced-based moves and created new ones to complement those. Some people even criticized him on the grounds that he was “watering down” (Japanese) Jujitsu by de-emphasizing the self-defense moves. But with his new discipline, he was able to defeat the older masters of Japanese Jujitsu, who were more trained in the so-called “self-defense” moves.
Boxing is a unique discipline, in that all the moves in the curriculum are experience-based moves. The 4 fundamental attacks – jab, cross, hook, and uppercut – are all moves that a boxing student can refine and perfect through the repeated experience of sparring. There is never a boxing class where the coach says, “Today we’re going to learn a new boxing move which can only be used in a real fight, but cannot be used in sparring.” That does not happen. And in modern MMA, practically every fighter is required to have basic boxing skills – just to be competitive.
Teachers of unarmed combat should not think in terms of sport vs. self-defense training. It is better to think in terms of experience-based training vs. hypothetical training.,98080.0.html
My Martial Friends and Family – June 2011I hope this message finds you in good health and happy spirits. It has been quite a while since I have sent out an update of what is happening here in the Pacific NW, and we have some exciting things to announce! Kickboxing – Develop pinpoint accuracy along with devastating power using kicks, punches, elbows, and knees. Whether you are looking for a calorie-burning workout, or you want to learn fundamental striking for self-defense as you are working your butt off this class will address all of your fitness and training goals! Essential Combatives – Continuing where kickboxing leaves off, Combatives class uses strikes to enter into clinch range where students train throws, takedowns, ground proofing, and the essentials of self-defense. Ideal for women and those wishing to take a more realistic approach to your self-defense training, combatives will challenge you mentally and physically. Pekiti Tirsi Kali – Filling in the final gap in modern day self defense one must address the weapon factor. Pekiti Tirsia Kali is considered the most technical bladed art to ever come out of the Philippine Islands, and it addresses all ranges of combat as well as all types of weapons. Learn a traditional Filipino weapon-based art in a safe and fun environment. Schedule & Tuition –Monday:6 – 7:15 Kickboxing / CombativesTuesday:6-7:15pm Kickboxing / Combatives
6 – 7:15pm Kickboxing / Combatives
7:15 – 8:30pm Kali
Thursday:6-7:15pm Combatives / KickboxingSaturday:9:30-11am Kickboxing / Combatives12-1pm Kali
1-2 Classes per week = $85 / monthUnlimited (3 or more classes a week): $105 / monthDrop In Mat Fee: $25 / class For those wishing to cross train with Three Harmonies and NWJJA, we will be offering a special combined rate. Email me for further details. Bookmark the blog The Ground Never Misses for details and more information. As always please contact me with further questions, or to schedule a lesson! Any help you can offer on spreading word via email, facebook, etc. is appreciated! I will also be offering specials for students who get friends to sign up!
CheersJake Burroughs
[email protected]Three Harmonies Martial ArtsThe Ground Never MissesThanks to Marks Daily Apple and the Huffington Post for this story on the evil entity known as Monsanto and their “regulators.” Quite unsurprisingly it appears that the Federal (as in our government) regulators were in bed with Monsanto pulling the sheets over the known facts that Roundup (Monsanto’s top selling product) causes birth defects. You can read the whole story here!
It is past time to stop feeding the corporations that are in fact causing our very own demise. Start by taking advantage of your local farmers and markets. Demand chemical free produce. Start growing your own veggies, fruits, and nuts. Even urban dwellers have many options now days to be at least semi self sufficient.
We can also stop patronizing these companies by simply ceasing to purchase their products. Here is a list of all of Monsanto’s brands. Monsanto has no interest in our health nor well being. They are working with GMO’s at an alarming rate, and they to this day do not properly label their products! They have also been one of the “War on Drugs” biggest contributors and lobbyists, and are quite anti-hemp.
As always use your best judgement and do the research yourself, but I think you will find nothing positive coming from large mega-corporations such as Monsanto. Check out the Millions Against Monsanto Campaign.
Educate yourself,
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The fight we will never see. Thanks Barnett!! |
Thanks to Head Kick Legend dot com writer Derek Suboticki for his awesome blog piece on “Why Josh Barnett should never be licensed to fight again”“As someone that was deeply affected by the financial crisis of September 2008, it’s difficult for me to be objective when it comes to employment. While others are more than happy to call for the dismissal of athletes in each and every sport, there’s a large part of me that’s deeply uncomfortable with rooting for someone to lose their job. Certainly, performance has to matter, and the UFC prides itself on being home to the best mixed martial artists the planet has to offer – still, however, you’ll rarely catch me complaining about a fighter giving another opportunity to make as much money as he or she can within their short athletic window for doing so.Unless, of course, that fighter is named Josh Barnett.” Click here to continue reading…My friend Sensei Chris Herman of Alpha Martial Arts, is hosting Kru Alberto & Ariana Ramirez for a Muay Thai seminar this Saturday from 10am-12noon.
For more information please click this link!
This is the only clip I could find online, and it against Enn Fairtex (a legend in the sport of Muay Thai):
Over Memorial Day weekend we had the pleasure of hosting Rigan Machado
for a weekend of training here in Seattle. On a break at the gi portion of the seminar Rigan had taken off his top and belt to use the facilities and left it on his bag where Brian and I were captivated by it for what seemed like minutes.
“Can you imagine receiving that belt from the creators of this art?” asked Brian.
“Brother, I can barely imagine a purple belt, let alone a red-black!” I quipped back.
The red-black belt. A sign of dedication, perseverance, determination, and over and above all a symbol of your undying work to promote the art and sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 25 years as a black belt actively promoting the art. Rickson Gracie promoted Jean Jacques Machado to the rank of red-black belt Tuesday June 6, 2011. Much thanks to Kid Peligro for breaking the news!
“I am honored to receive this belt from Rickson Gracie.” – JJM
Considered by many to be possibly one of the most technically talented snipers ever in grappling:
Congratulations on a milestone from Seattle’s NW Jiu Jitsu Academy Professor Machado!
Absolute Divisions:Gabrielle Garcia is the first absolute champ of the day, overcoming Bia Mesquita by 2-0, coming close to finishing early on with a clock choke. With two gold medals, Gabrielle is the big name of the female division.Rodolfo Vieira got the takedown, passed guard and mounted Bernardo Faria. With a score of 9-0, Vieira is the big winner in the men’s division.
The men’s division now has its champions. Check out who the current world champions are:Heavyweight
Rodolfo Vieira beat Bernardo Faria by a guard pass, in the first of two encounters between the two on the day.RoosterweightBruno Malfacine outpointed Caio Terra by 4-2, making Malfa four-time world champion.
Light Featherweight
Guilherme Mendes and Ary Farias closed out for AtosFeatherweightRafael Mendes and Augusto Tanquinho draw at 4-4 after exchange of sweeps, but Mendes leads by 2 advantage points to 1. It is the first time brothers Rafael and Guilherme are champions together at the same Worlds.
LightweightGilbert Durinho outpoints Kron Gracie by 9-2. Kron took the lead with a sweep but Durinho swept back and followed up with a guard pass and then another sweep.
MiddleweightMarcelo Garcia scored two points early on against Lucas Leite. That was enough to secure Garcia his fifth world title. He ironically thanked Steven Seagal for helping him win.
Medium HeavyweightSérgio Moraes beat Rômulo Barral by 4 to 2. Both were awarded penalties. Moraes landed a takedown.
Super HeavyweightLéo Nogueira edges Marcus Bochecha after 2-2 draw on points and draw on advantage points. Léo wins his first world title.
UltraheavyweightAntonio Braga Neto defeats Rodrigo Cavaca by a score of 7 to
Check out how the finals of the female division of the World Championship played out:Light featherweightLetícia Ribeiro outpointed Nyjah Easton by 3 to 2 in an emotional match. Leticia is now six-time world champion!FeatherweightIn a controversial match, Michelle Nicoline defeated Kyra Gracie 3-1 on advantage points following a 4-4 draw.LightweightLuanna Alzuguir made quick work of Luiza Monteiro with a choke from back mount.MiddleweightHannette Staack submitted Ida Josefin with the most beautiful finish of the finals so far: a flying armbar!Medium heavyweightIn an uneventful affair, Talita Treta outpointed Penny Thomas 4-0 to take gold.HeavyweightGabi Garcia chased down Emily Wetzel and quickly finished with a choke.