I wanted to take a moment to recognize an achievement very few people ever attain in martial arts, nor really in life. My first Karate teacher Sensei Mike Sherman has just been promoted to the rank of 7th dan (七段) after 46 ongoing years of non stop training, teaching, competing, judging, and sharing. For forty six years he has dedicated his time and energy to the martial arts and continues to be an inspiration and mentor to students of his in Toledo Ohio and throughout the Midwest.
“I started Tracy’s Kenpo in the fall of 1970 and earned my Shodan (1st degree) in Aug. of 1974…..Just before the end of 2015 I was awarded my Schichi Dan (7th degree / 七段) Black Belt by Truman Irving and Gordon Franks !…Kenpo training / teaching 46 years with no let up !…..Martial Arts is a life long journey” – Mike Sherman
Congratulations Mr. Sherman! I am honored to be your student and friend.